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School Daze

We did it! We completed our first week of school for this new year! We weren't late once, no one forgot homework (does it still count if there was none?), and no one was sent to the principle's office. Whew. 

The twins are in the same classroom this year, and I am interested to see how that goes. They are sitting at separate tables, which is smart on the teacher's part because those two can really go at it with the bickering.

Charlie started Pre-K and is so excited to be on the "big kid" playground with her siblings

this year. I found out that she will still have a short nap time until January or February as part of the transition from preschool, and honestly I think that this is good for everyone who is around her because that girl can get cranky.  

Next week homework packets start, but more importantly the study hall schedule comes out so I can sign up the kids because I am not a homework helpful mom. I want to be truly I do, but I know myself and homework has never been anything I want a part of. This morning Cash started talking about this year's science project and I am pretty sure I started sweating just thinking about it. 

We are also looking forward to the after school sports schedule coming out next week as well! I have to be honest and say that I was a little bit sad when the girls decided not to go to their dance studio this year, but then I thought about all the driving and changing and driving and late dinners and late homework and driving and started doing a little happy dance because life will be so much easier with them choosing after school activities at their actual school. 

The family has been going through many changes and shifts recently that the kids all returning to a dependable school schedule is very welcome, even if it does mean homework. This first week was really just about getting into the new groove of things and I think we’ve really got the hang of it. The kids are really so much more excited than they look in this photo I took Friday to celebrate making it through the week. 


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