Summer Lovin
I know that here locally we will be in the triple digit temperatures for quite a while yet, and I know that the last day of Summer isn't until the twenty second of September, but with my kids all starting school this coming Monday I can't help but feel like our Summer fun is coming to an end.
And what a Summer!
As a family we enjoyed Disneyland with grandma, the beach with friends, splash pads, many pool days, and endless popsicles. The kids were all enrolled in a Summer day camp program so we did still have somewhat of a routine, but it was so much more flexible and now I am pretty much dreading the early mornings (and homework) that are about to begin. I know I'm not alone in this because I've been seeing my virtual and real life friends sending their kids off for first days of school for a few weeks now. It's a contradictory feeling to be excited to watch your children grow and move up, but also dread the extra work it makes for Mom (and Dad). I've honestly enjoyed the break from projects and early mornings, but I have also enjoyed snuggling on the sofa while I drink my coffee and staying up late for family movie nights.
As a family I think that I can say that this has been my favorite summer so far hands down. As my own person I know I can say that this is one of my favorite summers that I can remember (lets be real, I got a lot of fuzzy memories of fun youthful times).
The flexibility of the kids' summer schedule combined with my flexible office schedule this summer made for so many amazing opportunities these past few months. I was able to spend time and work with one of my favorite friends in the world for a photoshoot for Lulu Simon Studio (use code LETUSHAVECAKE20 to save some money off your order *wink*). I've been able to see a ton of live music with a mix of my best friends. I took a two week tour of Italy, which is something that I never ever ever thought I would be able to do. I spent solo weekends with my boyfriend hiking and enjoying beaches in San Diego soaking up the quality time, and a weekend getaway to Mexico. I've had the most amazing summer, and I know that the fun in the sun isn't over yet, but it is just a little sad to see some of the freedom that we have all had come to an end for a while.
The next few evenings will be spent organizing school supplies, getting uniforms sorted and hung up, planning meals for the week, finishing up the first day of school chalkboard I decided I just had to make, and maybe we will even squeeze in one more late family movie night. I'm sure that I will have leaky eyes Monday morning as I send my baby off to Pre-K and the twins into first grade, and it won't only be because of the return of early wake ups.